Tuesday March 5, 2008

Out & About

Saturday night we were at Antun's catering hall for the New York G.A.A. dinner with Frank Dwyer as the well deserved guest of honor.

What a week it has been, and we still have a little over a week to go until St. Patrick's Day - before all hell brakes loose. On last Wednesday night, to kick start the festive season, The Irish Echo, the oldest Irish paper in North America, in association with The Consulate General of Ireland had its annual 'Top 40 Under 40' event at Rosie O'Grady's Manhattan Club with guest of honor, Christine Quinn the New York City Council Speaker. The master of ceremonies was none other that Ray O'Hanlon editor of the Irish Echo and a great job he did too. We also met with Sean Finlay who was the past publisher of the paper. Other guests were Orla Kelleher from the Aisling Community Center; Adrian Flannelly and Aine Sheridan from Irish Radio Networks; Cody McCone of O'Dwyer & Bernstien Attorneys at Law ; Martin Kelly President of the A.O.H.; John Dunleavy Chairman of the St.Patrick's Day Parade Committee in the company of Hilary Beirne, Parade Executive; Antonia Reilly of Wal-Mart; Diane Byrne from Echoes of Erin Radio all the way from Pennsylvania and Eileen Murphy the Echo's Entertainment Editor, a great night was had by all - thank you.

We were invited for lunch on Friday at the Galway Hooker by Michael O'Brien from O'Brien and Sons Waste Management who was so kind to offer us assistance with the launching of our new Irish Connections credit card that you will be hearing a lot about in the near future.

As I am on the subject of our Irish Connections Credit Card please tell your friends to apply for the card on the advertisement in this paper and be proud of your heritage.

Wall Street was hopping with business people in all the Irish bars and restaurants last Thursday when we visited a few of them. We met with Ronan Downes and Noel McDermott - owners of Beckett's and also Waterstone restaurant next door - A great pint was severed up by Monika the barmaid at Beckett's in a great atmosphere.

A few doors down you have Ulysses that was also packed - Danny McDonnell and Mick Jewel were busy with no time to talk and I do not blame them. On the same stretch you have a new Irish and Mexican themed restaurant Mad Dog's Bar and Grill that adds a nice to the area.

Just another couple of yards down the street the Killarney Rose was also jumping with no room at the bar - all those preppies from Wall Street are great for business - it has a nice mix of clientele and is very cozy.

Across the street with the same owners is the Mercantile Grill where we met John Moran in his usually happy mood. We also got to meet Joy from Wicklow behind the bar, doing good job at the pouring.

The one and only James Clare opened his new store called The Watering Hole that is on 19th Street and Gramercy Park just off Park Avenue South. Ryan Mahoney was serving some very good pints so we stayed for a few! James is one of the best entrepreneurs in the business and is a big part of the Irish restaurant scene with his professionalism and character - a requirement in this business. Lots of luck James on your new endeavors.

Went over to McFadden's to see a few friends where we caught up to the coffee man himself, Pete Scalley.

Saturday night we were at Antun's catering hall for the New York G.A.A. dinner with Frank Dwyer as the well deserved guest of honor. Over 700 guests attended with a lot of well know figures in attendance such as Mike Carty of Rosie O'Grady's; Paddy Reilly from the Molly Wee; Paul Hunt from Beehive Beer Distributors; Bill Burke of Country Bank; Denis Reynolds of DJ Reynolds; None other than Eugene Brophy of Brophy Brothers Fruits and Vegetables and Danny Doohan of Ned Devine's Saloon, not forgetting Enda Kennan of Jack Demsey's and lots more, too many to mention.

I am not forgetting the hard work the New York GAA have put in to make this a very successful night with its Chairman, John Riordan, Tommy Smyth the Master of Ceremonies and also this year's New York St. Patrick's Day Grand Marshal; Liam Bermingham, Vice Chairman; Brendan O'Sullivan, Co-Chair of the dance and Carmel Redican, Co-Chair of the Journal and all the board - it was a great night. Next week is going to be a big week for the Irish so do not forget to advertise in our next issue of Irish Examiner by calling 212 994-8042.

Thank you all for your support and a very Happy St. Patrick's Day - see you next week.

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