Tuesday March 5, 2008

Mysterious Predictions
By Psychic Laura

Feb 19th- Mar 20th

A loved one needs you at this time, and although you want to help, it is very hard for you at this time. It is a very delicate situation for you, one that can change your life!

Mar 21st - Apr 19th

You need to put things in their proper order of perspective, clutter is not one of your best attributes, and that includes your surroundings, business, work, and especially romance!

Apr 20th - May 20th

Fortune and fame are not so much on your agenda; however, luck is on your side this week. Try the Lotto, be a little daring, you never know where your fortune comes from!

May 21st - Jun 22nd

Now that the family situation has been somewhat resolved, you can concentrate on business and workDon't forget to collect your debts.

Jun 22nd-Jul 22nd

Watch your health, include a lot of fruits in your diet, take extra vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C.

Jul 23rd - Aug 22nd

Leo, you've come a long way, beating all the odds. Continue in your efforts to progress, for your time is here and now!

Aug 23rd - Sep 22nd

Your secret is out; don't deny it, as they say; "go with the flow," all else will fall in place. Watch for an unwelcome guest who appears unexpectedly at your door. He is trouble!

Sep 23 - Oct 23rd

Lately you have too much to bear on your plate. Money-wise and business-wise that's a good thing, however, romantically that is not a good thing. Try to minimize the clutter!

Oct 24th - Nov 21st

Starting a new romance or just resolving issues in your present one? Now is a great time to do so, remember one is silver but the other is gold!

Nov 22nd - Dec 21st

A situation concerning court or justice may be coming to a head. Your victory is at hand. Don't fret about petty talk around you, as long as you have your victory!

Dec 22nd - Jan 19th

Capricorn, it's time for you to get back on track with almost everything you put on hold. Remember if you don't do it, no one else will do it for you!

Jan 20th - Feb 18th

A friend returns and you are glad, but this friend is up to no good! Your kind heart gets you in trouble again!

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