Tuesday February 27, 2008

Mysterious Predictions
By Psychic Laura

Feb 19th- Mar 20th

The Spring is a better time to think about those shores that you have been trying to get to but have not been able to for one reason or another.

Mar 21st - Apr 19th

Your plans need to be readjusted, but don't let your heart decide what is best for you this time around. Instead, let your brain do the thinking at this time.

Apr 20th - May 20th

Your thoughts are right on track as far as your career is concerned, but make no mistake whose career it is!

May 21st - Jun 22nd

Money you have been waiting for should be coming soon, use it wisely. Enjoy your loved ones while you can, for it will be a while before you see them again.

Jun 22nd-Jul 22nd

Life is not always a bowl of cherries for you, but this year you have to make your own bowl. That is, make the best of every situation, for no one else will do it for you!

Jul 23rd - Aug 22nd

You seem to be settled; don't take that for granted. Remember your boundaries! It took a long time getting where you are now!

Aug 23rd - Sep 22nd

You seem to continue on a merry go round streak of problems, where one ends another one begins. The good thing is that you climb right out of them!

Sep 23 - Oct 23rd

Take advantage of your increased workload at this time, you can use the money. Don't leave anything for tomorrow; it may not be there!

Oct 24th - Nov 21st

You have a bit of luck in the field of romance, give it a shot. This may be the one you were looking for. Don't push it, just let it come to you naturally

Nov 22nd - Dec 21st

A situation that has bothering you for a long while now seems to finally be coming to a head, and for the better. Be glad it's over, now you can rest!

Dec 22nd - Jan 19th

You may have been a little out of commission with health or were in distress. Next week you can go into action to catch up and get everything finished!

Jan 20th - Feb 18th

When it comes to work, you are definitely on top of things. When it comes to romance, you let your partner do the work!

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