Tuesday February 20, 2008

Latest Northern Labor Market Figures Released

"Despite a slight rise in unemployment levels this quarter, the Northern Ireland unemployment rate remains well below the European Union average. It is the second lowest among the UK regions."

Latest labor market estimates show a slight increase in employment levels in Northern Ireland. The unemployment rate rose over the quarter, but remained below the UK average.

The Northern Ireland seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 4.2% for the period October - December 2007. This represents an increase from the rate of 3.8% recorded last quarter, but it is unchanged from the same period one year ago (4.2%).

The latest Northern Ireland rate remains below the UK average (5.2%) and is also considerably lower than the EU27 rate (6.9%) for November 2007.

Seasonally adjusted figures for the same period estimate that there were 781,000 people in employment in Northern Ireland. The new figures represent an estimated increase of 0.1% in employment levels over the quarter and a rise of 1.2% over the year.

The number of people claiming unemployment related benefits stands at 23,800. This shows an increase of 200 from the previous month, but is down 2,300 over the year.

The latest seasonally adjusted working age economic inactivity rate in Northern Ireland (27.1%) has fallen from a figure of 27.3% recorded for the previous quarter.

The Northern Ireland rate (27.1%) continues to be significantly higher than the UK average (21.0%) and is the highest among the UK regions.

Commenting on the figures, Economy Minister, Nigel Dodds said: "Despite a slight rise in unemployment levels this quarter, the Northern Ireland unemployment rate remains well below the European Union average. It is the second lowest among the UK regions."

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