

Wednesday February 20th, 2008


Ian Paisley Jnr. Resigns From The Northern Executive

Junior Minister in the Stormont Assembly, Ian Paisley Jnr. resigned on Monday amid allegations of impropriety in business dealings with property developer Seymour Sweeney. Paisley jnr's resignation must now cast doubts on the longevity of his father's reign as First Minister Read more...

Foreign Children With An Irish Parent Entitled To Citizenship

Foreign children adopted by an Irish parent are entitled to become a citizen even if the family lives outside the state, it was recommended by the Law Reform Commission this week... Read more...

Princess Anne To Visit Croke Park

Irish Foreign Minister Dermot Ahern, T.D., has welcomed the the visit of Princess Anne to Croke Park next weekend Read more...

Richie Welcomes U.S. Religious Delegation To The North

Northern Social Development Minister Margaret Ritchie MLA, last week welcomed a delegation of religious representatives from New York to the North Read more...

GOAL Welcomes Spielberg's Olympic Decision

GOAL has congratulated filmmaker Stephen Spielberg on his decision to withdraw his support from relation to the Beijing Olympic Games, and has called on the Irish Government to threaten to withdraw their team from the Games, unless China permits to the deployment of an international force in Darfur... Read more...




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