Tuesday February 13, 2008

Not So Much Reform...

Irish Foreign Minister Dermot Ahern, T.D., came out strongly in favour of the European "Reform" Treaty this week, insisting that those who oppose the new legislation "are trying to distract attention with worn-out threats of dire consequences," and peddling "a dangerous myth."

While we understand the Mr. Ahern's position, which is seemingly that of all other national Foreign Ministries in the European Union, we disagree with his insinuations and his claims that the so-called "Reform" Treaty is needed to "help us defend prosperity, safeguard the environment and protect Irish jobs against the challenges ahead."

In fact, the "Reform" Treaty is effectively the European Constitution-lite, putting in place a European "President" and establishing a European Foreign Minister, now titled the "High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy."

Member states will also cede many of their veto rights as a result of the new treaty, especially in the areas of justice and home affairs. Though some will argue that Ireland (and the U.K.) have secured opt-outs from the judicial cooperation in criminal matters and police cooperation, it is a matter of record that opt-outs often erode over time. The idea of a continental-style justice system to be imposed on either of those countries, with their English Common Law-based systems is a worrying prospect for those concerned about liberty.

If the new treaty is good for Europe, its nations and peoples, the question has to be asked as to why Ireland is the only county in the E.U. that is prepared to take the treaty to its population and hold a referendum (and much credit goes to the Irish government for that decision)?

Without a referendum the Treaty will be imposed on member states who may, too late, discover that they have signed away their sovereignty. We look forward to the upcoming debate in Ireland.

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