Tuesday February 13, 2008

Narrow Water Bridge To Be New Gateway

The new gateway to the North will be built near Warrenpoint

The bridge which will link the north of Ireland with the Republic of Ireland at Narrow Water Castle near Warrenpoint took a step closer last week. Following a meeting in the margins of the North South Ministerial Council between Social Development Minister Margaret Ritchie MLA and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Dermot Ahern TD, the two Ministers confirmed that €400,000 will be spent on a feasibility study to ascertain the best way forward.

Margaret Ritchie said: "The new bridge joining Narrow Water in the North and Cooley in the South will be an exciting gateway to County Down. It is no longer just a concept. It is now a live project. I am pleased that my fellow Ministers share my vision for the area. The bridge will be a living symbol of our growing co-operation."

Margaret Ritchie then emphasized the convenience and tourism benefits that the new bridge will bring: "At the very least this bridge will be a big time saver. People will be able to make a journey in a few yards which at present is many miles. It will also greatly help tourism in the area. It is after all, a very beautiful and scenic part of our country.

"The bridge will act as a gateway for southern visitors to County Down and the Mournes. Similarly, northern visitors who may simply have ventured to the south Down area will be able to conveniently explore the attributes of the Cooley area. The bridge therefore will make it very convenient for thousands of overseas tourists to easily visit both parts of our island at this splendid location, bringing a big economic boost to the area."

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