Tuesday February 13, 2008

Joe Kavanagh's Music News

Macca Must Sometimes Ponder: "What The Hell Was I Thinking"

As Paul McCartney and Heather Mills court date gets ever closer, the Beatles legend scored yet more points against his soon to be ex-wife last week, without even opening his mouth. This time the talking was done by Mills' ex-boyfriend, film editor, Tim Steel, who told a UK tabloid that he continued to enjoy sexual relations with Mills even after she began seeing McCartney back in 1999. Talking to the News Of The World, Steel claimed: "Paul sent Heather a lovey-dovey text as we ate. She showed me it and casually quipped, 'I'm being pursued by a Beatle.' I didn't mind - I suppose I was flattered that Heather still wanted to have sex with me despite being pursued by this musical demi-god. But it was strange lying in bed talking about Paul McCartney. I would be with her when he called or texted her." Steel also reinforced the prevailing view that Mills' love of McCartney was inspired largely by his illustrious past and the size of his bank account, saying: "Marriage to him opened lots of doors for her - and that's the only reason she did it. I guess I hung around because I really didn't think Heather and Paul would last. He was an old bloke and I knew what Heather was like. She was only in love with what Paul could do for her. She loved the idea of being Lady McCartney." The increasingly unhinged Mills also launched a lawsuit against her former attorneys last week, claiming that the company had misrepresented her, after the firm dropped her because of her increasingly erratic behavior. She now claims that she will represent herself in court when proceedings begin next week, bringing to mind that old expression of how a person who acts as their own lawyer has a fool for a client. On the plus side, it should make Macca's life easy because all his lawyers will have to do is basically just sit there and let her speak because this lady will almost certainly scupper her own case. If you don't believe me, go and check out the footage of Mills' interview at GMTV on Youtube. The phrase nuttier than squirrel poop springs to mind...

Cradle Of Filth front man, Dani Filth, has issued a challenge to Chris Martin, offering to take the Coldplay singer on in a boxing match. The proposal came about when the obnoxious singer was asked which celebrity he would most like to indulge in a spot of fistic intercourse with, to which Dani replied: "Probably that c**t Chris Martin from Coldplay. I wouldn't even wait for the bell. Absolutely everything about him makes me want to puke. He's such a sap, and the way that he wrote that s**t about 'freedom' on his hand was pathetic. If you strongly believe in something you don't write it on your hand with a biro, you tattoo it across your f**king face." Dani Filth has somewhat of a reputation as being one of the most insufferable idiots in the pantheon of rock music but notice how he picked possibly the most passive person in music as an opponent. Mr Filth wasn't quite so tough when he was throwing his weight around at a music festival in Germany last year and ended up getting seven colors of sh**e knocked out of him by one of the roadies for Irish band, Royseven. And it was only one roadie, not ten as I'm sure he told all his friends...

There's probably been enough written about Amy Winehouse over the past few months but some stories are just too hard to ignore. Last week I read where Kelly Osbourne told an interviewer that Winehouse should move in with the Osbourne family on their Buckinghamshire estate after she gets herself out of rehab. Now, maybe it's just me but I think I would have to be on a steady diet of drugs in order to put up with that lot, in all fairness. I also saw where Keith Richards was asked by reporters if he had any advice for the troubled singer, to which he tersely replied: "She should get her act together, apart from that, I have got nothing to say to the bitch." With analyses like that, I'm guessing psychiatry is out as an occupation choice for Keef, if he and the rest of the Strolling Bones should ever decide to call it a day on their karaoke career...

Snoop Dogg claims that he is once again free to travel to the UK after his ban has been overturned by a British judge. The rapper was prohibited from entering the UK after he and members of his entourage were charged with assault and affray, stemming from an incident at Heathrow airport in 2006. British authorities have yet to officially comment on whether the matter has actually been resolved...

Roger Daltrey had a pop at internet users last week, maintaining: "I feel about as useful as a pork chop in a synagogue with all this internet bulls**t... I hope you enjoy it. But do me a favor, leave the screen turned off sometimes. Go out. Get a life." All very well indeed but for the tiny fact that he decided to share this message by typing it on a blog that he had written for The Who's website. Maybe I'm being petty but that kind of undermines his assertion just a tad.

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