Tuesday February 13, 2008

Investment In R&D Way Forward For Economic Growth

Recent research reveals that investment in R&D and innovation is the way forward for economic growth.

The first Mapping Study of Research and Technology Development (RTD) Centres across Ireland and the North, published by InterTradeIreland has published the findings of the Mapping Study of RTD Centres recommends enhancing levels of awareness, communication and developing support programmes which facilitate co-operative activity in Ireland and the North, and examining ways to fund such activity.

The Mapping Study suggests measures to improve graduate education linkages, provide additional support for networking, encourage co-operative research clusters and provide a dedicated funding mechanism in both areas.

The report aims to inform a co-operative strategy for action by relevant policy makers and development agencies. It identifies 36 centres as having potential for collaboration, 18 in Ireland and 18 in Northern Ireland that span across areas such as biotechnology, ICT and nanotechnology. A further 23, 15 in Ireland and 8 in Northern Ireland, are identified as having potential for developing collaboration.

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