Tuesday February 6, 2008

Young People Set To Swap Classroom For Assembly

"As champions for children we are committed to ensuring that their voices are heard and that we adopt an integrated approach across government in tackling the many issues which face today's youth."

The move was announced by the two Junior Ministers Gerry Kelly and Ian Paisley Jnr during their appearance before the Office of the First Minister/Deputy First Minister Committee.

This initiative is one of many activities the two Ministers will undertake as part of a drive to ensure issues facing children and young people are kept high on the Executive's agenda in the next year.

Speaking at the meeting Junior Minister Kelly said: "For the first time ever young people will be sponsored by MLAs to take part in an Assembly debate, during the Easter holidays, on a topic relevant to their generation.

"As champions for children we are committed to ensuring that their voices are heard and that we adopt an integrated approach across government in tackling the many issues which face today's youth.

"Child poverty is a key priority for the Executive and we are committed to delivering excellent public services to improve children's life chances and help break cycles of deprivation as well as supporting parents so they can confidently guide their children through the various stages of life."

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