Tuesday January 30, 2008

Taoiseach Honors Jim Walsh

"Congressman Jim Walsh has been a true friend of Ireland over many years and I am sorry to hear of his decision to retire from the House of Representatives at the end of this term."

Last week the Taoiseach paid tribute to Congressman Jim Walsh following the announcement that he is to retire from the United States Congress.

"Congressman Jim Walsh has been a true friend of Ireland over many years and I am sorry to hear of his decision to retire from the House of Representatives at the end of this term," he said.

"Jim is part of a long and proud tradition of great Irish American politicians and we will miss his presence on Capitol Hill. As a member of Congress for nearly 20 years, and as Chairman of the Friends of Ireland for more than a decade, he has been a vital and valuable  voice for Ireland in America.

"His unstinting  commitment to the cause of peace, and in underpinning peace through the financial support of the International Fund for Ireland, was crucial to the historic progress we have seen in Northern Ireland.

"He has always been a dedicated and effective representative of his constituents in upstate New York.  I fondly recall visiting him where he grew up, on Tipperary Hill in Syracuse, and seeing a little bit of America that will forever be Irish.

"I know that Jim will continue to work for the community he represents and to be a friend of Ireland and I wish him continuing success in the  future."

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