Tuesday January 30, 2008

Out & About

This is the final week for catching performances of 'The Devil's Disciple' by Bernard Shaw at The Irish Repertory Theatre. The play has been extended through February 10th

New York was all a buzz last week with The Ireland-U.S. Council presenting a book launch lecture and cocktail reception marking the U.S. launch of Cormack O'Malley's new book "No Surrender Here." The remarks by the author and council member were made at The Metropolitan Club and the event was presented by Executive Director David O'Sullivan.

Moet Hennessy Brandy had a very nice reception at Cipriani Catering center on 42nd Street that we were invited to by Jim Crowley, manager of Empire Merchants along with their new representative Louis Postmateur who is well known in the Irish restaurant circuit.

Paid a visit to Tonic in Time Square to see manager Joe Jacobino and was it busy in the afternoon. Just imagine the night trade. We met Allison from Co. Clare, Ireland, the barmaid who was very friendly and very professional who pours a nice pint.

Headed over to see our friend Pat Burke at the Pig'N'Whistle bar and restaurant and we bumped in to Des O'Brien  from across the road at Langan's restaurant where we had a pint with Brendan the bartender.

I see Mave O'Malley (Senior Marketing Executive, Enterprise Ireland) is back in town after her working trip to Ireland... It must have been hectic for her promoting Show Case Ireland where she met up with Ann Tarrent of APT Associates.

Nevada Smiths was a hot spot on Friday night. Mingling in the crowd was Barry Twomey from O'Connor's Travel along with Jerry O'Donavan from the Bull McCabe, Ed Fitzmaurice from Anheuser Busch and Tom McCarthy, a partner in Nevada Smiths. It looked like a good night celebrating Jerry's trip New Orleans.

Sunday afternoon was spent at the Central Bar on 9th Street off Third Avenue on the Eastside. I met none other than the man himself Gillies Cooper, the owner and a man who is from my favorite town, Kenmare, County Kerry. We had a great chat together with the one and only Johnny Holmes - Ireland's top DJ. The lady that runs the bar and restaurant is Lesley Swan who does a great job taking care of the business and, of course, the menu where they serve  Brunch and Irish Breakfast along with Lunch and Dinner who's busy getting everything ready for Super Bowl Sunday.

Look for John Duddy to get a crack at the World Title after he wins his next fight at Madison Square Garden

Emerald Isle Immigration Center's 15th Annual Robert Briscoe Awards were held at the "21" Club on West 52nd Street. The Honorees were the Honorable Richard A. Brown, Queens District Attorney and Jordan A. Liegler of Brecher Fishman Pastermack Walsh & Tiker PC.

The awards were presented by the Hon. Ben Briscoe, former member of the Dail Eireann and son of Robert. We also met the organizer of the event, Brian O'Dwyer of O'Dwyer and Bernstien who handled the microphone very well.

The lady who worked very hard behind the scenes and who does the grunt work for the Emerald Isle Immigration Center in Woodside Queens is none other thaan Siobhan Dennehy.

We also met her husband, the past President of the Cork Association Dan, who was in the audiance, Commissioner Brian Anderson and Donald Kelly, brother of Police Commissioner Ray and now retired from Emigrant Bank.

Look for John Duddy to get a crack at the World Title after he wins his next fight at the Garden.

This is the final week for catching performances of 'The Devil's Disciple' by Bernard Shaw at The Irish Repertory Theatre. The play has been extended through February 10th. For tickets and more information, call (212) 727-2737.

Have a great Super Bowl either at your local bar or restaurant or at home - it's going to be a blast.

See you next week.

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