Tuesday January 30, 2008

New York Seniors Get Polling Day Help

"If voters have a prohibitive reason for not being able to get to their Polling Stations and they need transportation, we'll get you there. We don't care who you vote for, we're here to help."

Senior voters in New York stuck for a lift to their local Polling Station in two weeks won't be without a carriage, as the Emerald Isle Immigration Service has pledged to step in and help.

Voters across the New York State are expected to turn out in their droves to vote in the upcoming Presidential Primary elections, due to take place on Tuesday, February 5th next for the purpose of selecting delegates to a national convention, in the run up to the General Election on November 4th 2008.

But for some citizens, transport could be a problem in getting out to vote and, this year, the Emerald Isle Immigration Center will launch its first ever Transport Run to assist those who couldn't get to the Stations in any other way. The service is primarily for seniors in the Woodside and Woodlawn area, where the Emerald Isle Immigration Center is based, but it may be extended, depending on demand.

"If voters have a prohibitive reason for not being able to get to their Polling Stations and they need transportation, we'll get you there," said Ms. Siobhán Dennehy, Executive Director with the Emerald Isle Immigration Center (EIIC). "We don't care who you vote for, we're here to help."

In an appeal for volunteers, Ms Dennehy said that election day was likely to be very busy and anyone with a few hours to spare to answer phones and help out generally at the Center, would be made very welcome.

"We're appealing for volunteers to come and help out at the Center. Our staff will be driving cars and vans, transporting people to the Polls, so we'll need extra hands here. We don't know how busy we'll be transporting voters, but we're hoping for a positive turnout," Ms Dennehy said.

The idea was prompted by other Centers that were providing the Transport Service for the elderly in their area, but Chairman of the Executive Board of the EIIC, Attorney Brian O'Dwyer, said that the drive was necessary to help voters to get out there and make their views known to politicians.

"All our people need to get to the polls and this way, by polling, they get to influence politicians, to get them to respond to the needs of this community," he said. "What we're doing is giving people, but seniors in particular, the facility to get out to vote."

Anyone wishing to avail of the service is asked to book in advance and the EIIC is taking bookings now from voters looking for a lift on Polling day. Bookings may be made by contacting the EIIC at either their Woodside office on 718-478-5502 or their Woodlawn office on 718-324-3039, and booking should be made as soon as possible.

Polling stations across the State will be open until 9pm, with many open from 6am, although all Polling places in New York City open from noon.

To be eligible to vote, individuals must be a US citizen, 18 years old by the date of the primary election, live at their address at least 30 days before the election, not be in jail or on parole for a felony conviction and not claim the right to vote elsewhere. Voters must also be registered with one of the main political parties, not an Independent, in order to vote in the Primary election. Those wishing to vote must be registered with the New York County Board of Elections and bring suitable identification to their respective Polling Station on the day.

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