Tuesday December 5, 2007

Out & About

A great new bar and restaurant just opened called the Trio. It's on 33rd street just off 3rd Avenue, so pop in and say hello to owners Brian Carter and Mark McEvoy...

McCarthy's Restaurant and pub just opened in Tequesta, Florida under the proud ownership of Brendan Grace, friend of the late Frank Sinatra and Frank Gillespie, whose friend is Jack Charlton... Seen in the very famous establishment Eamonns Bar & Grill were Andy Cooney and Patricia O'Reilly, host of Out of Ireland. Wonder what they were talking about... A great new bar and restaurant just opened called the Trio. It's on 33rd street just off 3rd Avenue, so pop in and say hello to owners Brian Carter and Mark McEvoy... Hanging out at the Woodhaven House was Mister Coffee himself Pete (who) Scalley... Donnie Carroll - Ireland's answer to Tom Cruise has just finished his long run at the Irish Repertory Theatre... Paul Hurley has done another first-class job with the U.R.T.O. dinner. It was a fun night at The Tavern on Green... Great to have Seafarer back on Broadway. The show stars Ciaran Hinds, so go and see it... Black 47 are not to be missed at Connolly's you can hear Larry shout it out... Nicholas Cohen and his lovely wife Pumla of Stitch Bar & Lounge have a new baby boy Cian. Congratulations to all... We see Thomas McCarthy of Nevada Smiths with a lot of celebs lately, most recently in the company of Rod Stewart and Simon LeBon from Duran Duran... In the Town Hall on the 19 &20 December is a Christmas Sojourn with Brian O'Donovan... Also, don't forget Tony Kenny's Christmas Time in Ireland show at Westchester Broadway Theatre... Sean Holmes of Fitzpatrick Hotel fame is back in town after his long trip home...

What exactly was James Higgins up to in Trio? (James Higgins)

James Higgins was seen going in to the Trio on 33rd street... Rumor tells us that Pat Burke of Pig 'N' Whistle and Des O'Brien were having a break at Maloney and Porcelli. A lot of business must have been discussed, huh! ... Look out for Joanne Madden and Cherish The Ladies on their upcoming tour... Tommy Smyth that great ESPN announcer and now our Saint Patrick's Day host is in for the time of his life we hear... Great to see lots of friends coming over from Ireland Christmas shopping... Tim O'Connor, former New York Consul General and now President Mary McEleese's Secretary General is back in town with a song in his heart - he loves New York... The GAA All Stars apparently had a great time at Ireland House on Monday night. Margerat Corrigan did on a fine job again.

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