Tuesday November 28, 2007

Support For The Government Falls Dramatically In Latest Polls

The latest poll results mean that Fianna Fáil's popularity has dropped 10% since the General Election

The latest opinion poll from Red C/Sunday Business Post shows support for Fianna Fáil has fallen dramatically in the wake of a number of political scandals.

The party dropped 7% in the latest monthly tracking poll to stand at 32%, with some suggesting that the recent pay hikes for ministers and senior civil servants are a major factor.

The latest poll results mean that Fianna Fáil's popularity has dropped 10% since the General Election.

Fine Gael were the biggest winners, showing an increase in support of four points, rising to a total of 31%.

Support for the Labour Party rose three points to 13%, while Sinn Féin and the Independents each lost 1%, both dropping to 7%, with the Progressive Democrats unchanged at 2%.

Fianna Fáil Green coalition partners avoided being tarred by the recent scandals, increasing their share of the popularity poll to 9%.

Interestingly, and perhaps more responsible for the fall in Fianna Fáil's support, the poll also shows that 60% of voters believe that the Government lied to them about the state of the economy in the run up to the General Election.

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