Tuesday November 28, 2007

16 Million Euro Investment To Develop 7,000 New Housing Sites In County Cork

"Increasing the availability of serviced sites reduces pressures on housing supply and on house prices, and will give young people, in particular, the chance of buying an affordable home in their own localities."

Batt O'Keeffe T.D., Minister for Housing, Urban Renewal & Developing Areas, announced funding last week to help Cork County Council improve the water supply infrastructure in eight towns and villages in the county to service new residential development in those areas.  

The ten projects are being funded under the Serviced Land Initiative measure of his Department's Water Services Investment Programme.

The Initiative accelerates the provision of serviced residential land to improve the local housing supply.  Altogether, these schemes will open up more than 780 acres for residential development at a total cost of over €16 million, with the potential to service over 7,000 new housing units in the long term.   The Department will meet up to 40% of the costs of these schemes.   When completed, the eight towns and villages will have modern water services infrastructure that will provide the basis for residential development and planned growth for years to come.   

"The ten schemes will make a very significant contribution to the stock of serviced sites available locally for new residential development," the Minister said. "Increasing the availability of serviced sites reduces pressures on housing supply and on house prices, and will give young people, in particular, the chance of buying an affordable home in their own localities."

The allocation of the necessary funding now allows Cork County Council to advance all the projects to construction. "I will be urging the Council to move ahead with the schemes without delay so that the new houses can be built as soon as possible."

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