Tuesday November 21, 2007

The North Is Again "Open For Business"

Northern Economy Minister Nigel Dodds packed his bags for another trip to the US. (Photocall)

In Boston, Dodds Seeks American Investment, Support

Northern Economy Minister Nigel Dodds told an audience of leading U.S. business leaders and influencers that Northern Ireland is "open for business".

The Minister was speaking at the annual American Ireland Fund Gala in Boston, as part of his business mission to North America.

During his time in the US, the Minister met numerous influential political and business leaders to promote and secure support for the inward investment visit and US/Northern Ireland conference next year.

At the Gala, Minister Dodds told the audience that, "Northern Ireland has entered a new era and is open for business.

"International investors can find high-tech expertise, industrial ingenuity, a strong infrastructure and a great lifestyle on offer, making it one of the most attractive inward investment locations in Europe, particularly as a nearshore location from which to service large markets.

"Despite having secured over $6 bn worth of quality Foreign Direct Investment since 1996, we are not complacent. I, and my Executive colleagues, have made the development of the Northern Ireland economy our number one priority in the recent draft Programme for Government.

"We recognise that we must raise our game if we are to remain relevant and meet the current and future challenges.

"We have a number of high-value sectors, such as ICT, financial services, business services, software development and advanced manufacturing, which, while developing, are under-represented in our economy.

We see new inward investment playing a valuable role as we seek to build scale in relevant sectors and have set clear targets to secure 6,500 high value new jobs from inward investment over the next three years."

The Minister also took the opportunity to thank the U.S. Administration, particularly U.S. Special Envoy, Ambassador Paula Dobriansky, for their support and made an appeal to the business audience for help in making the forthcoming inward investment visit and conference a success. He said: "I would like to acknowledge and thank the US Administration and US Special Envoy, Ambassador Paula Dobriansky, for their support for the investment conference and the enormous number of business leaders who have already offered their help.

"I welcome the support of everyone here, and I want to gain your insights, your guidance and your assistance as we reach out to local US business leaders and invite them to see the tangible business benefits Northern Ireland can provide by joining us in Belfast next year."

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