Tuesday November 21, 2007

Ronnie McGinn's Poetry Page

If you have a poem you'd like to see published in The Irish Examiner then send it to:

The Poetry Corner
The Irish Examiner USA
305 Madison Avenue, Suite 1462
New York
NY 10165

or, preferably, you can email it direct to

If possible keep your poem to 20 lines. You may choose any subject you like, in any form you like as long as it's original. We look forward to hearing from you.

Last January Ray Linehan of Carrigaline Co. Cork sent us a poem about the changing atmosphere of pub life in Ireland. This week Ray takes on a much more delicate and sensitive topic. He handles it with acclaim by not delving too deep and taking a positive approach to a very serious and complicated subject. Ray uses his imagination to make sense of a world which pure reason would turn into something merely mechanical. The successes of science are very real and very necessary to modern society; but modern society would be meaningless without the successes of unreason - art, comedy, music and poetry.


Negativity's hereditary,
Depression destiny,
Insanity near reality,
Shameful, hardly.
Bottling up indefinitely,
Part of youth predominantly,
Expression is it's enemy,
Talking is therapy.

Wonderful children
Of these fine shores,
Keep your feelings
In the bottle no more.
Uncork it, have bottle
Things will get better.
Please remember,
Suicide's forever.

© Ray Linehan

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