Tuesday October 17, 2007

Ronnie McGinn's Poetry Page

If you have a poem you'd like to see published in The Irish Examiner then send it to:

The Poetry Corner
The Irish Examiner USA
305 Madison Avenue, Suite 1462
New York
NY 10165

or, preferably, you can email it direct to

If possible keep your poem to 20 lines. You may choose any subject you like, in any form you like as long as it's original. We look forward to hearing from you.

Our poem this week comes from Hortense Roses of Bayside New York. There is a mysterious aura about this poem and yet it has a natural flow that in our minds eye, relates to a real or imaginary experience, that we are all familiar with. Poetry which has no surprise cannot attract our attention and Hortense has found a way to keep us focused with a fairytale theme that carries a lovely sublimal message.

Forces of Poetry

On the rivers of my mind once upon a time
it was a castle where
a prince wished to
spend Spring.
Love was passing by
And I loved him.
By a mystery of loving
glory, he cared too.
Feelings bloomed to
the ends of time
with intensity to
eternity, and.......
Not even death
Could us apart,
One of the forces
Of poetry!

© Hortense Roses

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