Tuesday October 17, 2007

Paisley And McGuinness Meet With U.S. Ambassadors And Business Leaders

The First and Deputy First Ministers in the North hope to inspire American confidence in the economy (Photocall)

American investment has a crucial part to play in developing the local economy, the Northern First and deputy First Ministers told a group of visiting U.S. business leaders this week.

Dr Ian Paisley, MP, MLA, Martin McGuinness , MP, MLA and Economy Minister Nigel Dodds were hosting a lunch at Belfast Harbour Commissioners, attended by representatives of over twenty blue chip U.S. companies who are part of a delegation headed by the U.S. Ambassador in London, Robert Tuttle and the U.S. Ambassador in Dublin, Tom Foley.

Welcoming the U.S. delegation Dr Paisley said: "My fervent hope is that your visit today will fill you with confidence, both in our political stability and economic prosperity and that you all become champions for the major U.S. Investment Conference proposed here in 2008.

"We have a rich vein of talent eager to work and use their skills for knowledge-based companies. Ours is one of the youngest populations in all of Europe. Our first class education system produces many high achievers. Operating costs here are highly competitive and significantly lower than the rest of the UK and Europe.

"We have a strong pro-business climate and the Executive is committed to further developing our knowledge based economy and encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship. Unemployment is amongst the lowest in the UK and Northern Ireland's geographical location is ideal providing a competitive near-shore position to Europe."

The deputy First Minister, who recently returned from a visit to the U.S., told delegates: "I know there is a tremendous well of goodwill towards the political process here. I make no apologies for seeking to tap into that goodwill but the relationship which we are proposing is a two way street, a win win situation.

"Much has already been done to attract investment here from the U.S. and elsewhere. Since 2002, Invest NI has secured 169 inward investment projects, representing over £1billion of new investment and have resulted in bringing or securing almost 25,000 jobs.

"I trust that your visit here will be the catalyst for that work to be taken forward with every increasing momentum."

The visit is part of the preparations for the major U.S. investment Conference due to take place in Belfast in spring of next year.

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