Tuesday October 3, 2007

Celtic Fans' Disquiet At Reid Appointment

John Reid - new Celtic Chairman?

Former British Home Secretary John Reid is to become chairman of Glasgow Celtic. Mr Reid, 60, will succeed Brian Quinn, who is to stand down from office at the club's annual general meeting on November 19. The politician, who is standing down as an MP at the next General Election, said: "Brian Quinn has been a superb chairman and is an extremely hard act to follow."

Scotland's Daily Record have reported that Reid's security detail will be armed at Celtic Park when the Chairman designate attends home games. According to the Record: 'The former government minister, who held a number of sensitive posts, is seen as a potential target for terrorists. Reid was Northern Ireland's first Catholic secretary of state and served as defense secretary during hostilities in Iraq and Afghanistan. As a result, Reid is now assigned round-the-clock protection and armed guards were on duty on Saturday for Celtic's home game against Dundee United.' Celtic fans have expressed alarm at the fact that armed personnel will be situated among supporters at home games.

According to the Record, 'an online petition has been launched in a bid to block Reid becoming Celtic chairman. The protest was started by fan Sean Orr... Mr Orr calls on Celtic supporters to stop Reid becoming the club's figurehead because, as defense minister, he was "instrumental in the invasion of Iraq". In a call to fans, Mr Orr states: "The club's supporters have a proud history of solidarity with oppressed peoples throughout the world. The invasion of Iraq has resulted in the deaths of thousands of innocent people."

There was evidence of disquiet as fans arrived at Celtic Park on Saturday. Advertising hoardings outside the ground had been defaced with the slogan: "No war criminals. No John Reid."'

On-line groups of Celtic supporters have variously described Reid as, 'a bloody Unionist' and 'a war mongerer', while some have asked for fans to make their feelings known at the AGM in November.

Commenting on his appointment to the top job a Celtic Reid said: "Like every schoolboy who supported Celtic, I always dreamt of pulling on the Hoops and scoring at Celtic Park," Reid said. "I never made it as a player, but this is certainly the next best thing."

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