Tuesday September 12, 2007

Brian W. Stack Appointed As Managing Director Of CIE Tours International

Brian Stack is now responsible for CIE Tours international operations

Given the influential and important role he has played as President of CIE Tours International it came as no surprise to those familiar with Dublin native Brian Stack's career when it was announced last week that he had been appointed to the most senior position with the organization, that of Managing Director of CIE Tours International.

Brian now becomes responsible for the worldwide operations of CIE Tours, and will continue to be based in Morristown, NJ. The appointment takes effect at the end of this month following the retirement of the company's current managing director, Brian Dowling in Dublin.

Speaking to the Irish Examiner last week the new Managing Director was looking forward to the upcoming challenge and explained how his role, though based here in the U.S., would facilitate and oversee the day-to-day operations in Ireland. "We shall set up video conferencing between the offices in New Jersey and the offices in Dublin." He said. "I go to Ireland every two months and I may have to go a little more often in the future but the personnel in Dublin will have someone to report to there and that individual will then report to me in New Jersey."

With over 35 years in the travel industry under his belt including positions at Aer Lingus, the Irish Tourist Board (now Tourism Ireland), and several U.S. based companies and now at the head of CIE Tours International in New Jersey for the past 17 years it is not surprising that Stack has brought a remarkable level of success to the operation. "We haven't had a year where we haven't grown and we haven't had a year in which we didn't make money and that includes the worst years after the appalling events of September 11th 2001 and the foot and mouth outbreak the same year."

That exceptional run of growth continues today according to Stack, "We are bucking the trend somewhat in 2007. Visitor numbers so far this year to Ireland are up around 4% while CIE Tours numbers are up between 6% and 7%."

With the current subprime mortgage financial crisis leading to a sharp rise in foreclosures here in the U.S. Stack remains positive and sees the problem as yet another opportunity for CIE Tours. "With house prices falling people get stressed out and the more they get stressed the more they need a vacation."

CIE's innovative and imaginative approach to vacation packaging now allows travelers to the Emerald Isle to experience everything the destination has to offer, from 'Romantic Ireland'Ø ideal for a honeymoon or anniversary trip taking the traveler to the scenic south and west coasts of Ireland to the luxurious 'Irish Castles & Gardens' featuring accommodations at four of Ireland's top deluxe and castle hotels as well as gourmet dining experiences at the Pullman Restaurant (on an Orient Express railway car).

CIE Tours International are also reaching out to cost-conscious clients with low prices on November/December departures for four of its most popular tours, "These tours - which have the lowest prices and the longest season - are the Irish Welcome, Irish Adventure, Irish Spirit and Irish Pub & Folk tours," according to Brian. Stack, a former Chairman of the United States Tours Operators Association (USTOA), has a new worldwide portfolio that will include overseeing and marketing CIE Tours International's extensive program out of Ireland to the US, Canada, Europe, Africa etc., as well as inbound operations from Britain, Germany, Scandinavia, Australia, Japan, and will be expanding to China and other areas.

The current unfavorable exchange rate between the U.S. Dollar and the Euro may or may not be the deciding factor when booking a vacation and Brian Stack and CIE already have formulated a strategy to protect their customers. "This does affect people's psyche but the reality is we have taken care of that problem. For example we have a brochure coming out in the next couple of weeks for 2008 and all the prices in that brochure are in dollars. Once you pay a deposit to us we guarantee those prices, people don't have to worry about the currency issue." He maintained. "All our vacations to Ireland are fully inclusive so people don't have to buy anything as all meals are included, the only thing people have to buy are drinks and gifts"

Looking to the future Brian Stack is determined to maintain the level of success he has achieved thus far. "We have impressive plans for the future. Last year we introduced an on-line booking service that allows people to make reservations 24 hours a day and now 15% of our bookings come from this source and we would look to increase this moving forward. A big part of the on-line service is getting the product into the hands of people who otherwise may not necessarily be aware of you."

With this tremendous year on year growth CIE Tours International intends to increase the size of the U.S. based sales team, adding personnel in Chicago, Pennsylvania and San Francisco as well as the creation of an entirely new territory in Texas and Brian is convinced of the popularity and value for money of Ireland as a destination. "There are many people out there who are thinking that at some point in their lives they are going to go on a vacation to Ireland. I would say to them now is the time to go, 2008 is a great year to go. We have taken care of the dollar exchange issue and we have a great selection of vacations."

For more information about Brian Stack and CIE Tours International, contact CIE Tours at 1-800-CIE-TOUR or visit

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