Tuesday September 5, 2007

Environment Minister And Gun Groups Condemn Shooting Of Red Kite

The Red Kites were released into the wild in July

Mr. John Gormley T.D., Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government expressed his disgust last week at the news that one of the Red Kites that he released in county Wicklow almost six weeks ago was found shot to death on Tuesday.

The Minister said, "This illegal killing is a very serious breach of our Wildlife legislation. All native birds of prey, including released Red Kites, are fully protected in the country under wildlife legislation. Under the European Union's Birds Directive, Red Kites are listed as an Annex I species and are therefore given the highest level of protection under European law."

The corpse was located by radio tracking.  Every Red Kite was fitted with a small radio transmitter, each with a unique radio frequency, prior to being released. 

The dead kite was X-rayed and the bird contained 5-6 shotgun pellets alongside the obvious entry wound in its chest.  The bird was shot between Sunday evening and Tuesday lunchtime last week and was recovered from a farm field north of Arklow in County Wicklow.

Thirty Red Kites were released by the Minister in County Wicklow on July 19th and seem to have adapted well to the surrounding countryside over the last month. 

They have been seen feeding on numerous silage fields and recently harvested arable fields - foraging for worms and insects such as crane fly  ("Daddy Long Legs"). 

Local farmers, landowners and members of the shooting fraternity have been extremely supportive of the project to date. 

The Minister noted that the National Association of Regional Gun Clubs (NARGC), the National body representing the shooting community in Ireland, who have supported this project from the outset unreservedly condemned the shooting.

The Garda Síochána and local National Parks and Wildlife Service staff in Wicklow are currently investigating the matter.  It is not yet known whether the bird was shot by accident or deliberately.

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