Tuesday August 22, 2007

Joe Kavanagh's Music News

Mike Skinner: Take Me To Your Dealer

Tributes have been pouring in for Tony Wilson, founder of the legendary Manchester nightclub 'Hacienda' and co-founder of Factory Records. Wilson played a major role in shaping the entire 'Madchester' scene, and is credited with discovering bands such as Joy Division, Happy Mondays and Stone Roses. He died of a heart attack at 57-years-old, due to the chronic strain placed on his body from battling cancer of the kidneys. Among those who paid tribute was New Order's, Peter Cook, whose band was probably Wilson's most successful act. Writing in his MySpace blog, the bassist said: "It's a very, very, very sad day. I feel very lost out here in Japan. It's like my father dying all over again. I'm devastated. I'll be going back to England as soon as possible to pick up the pieces. My heart goes out to (Wilson's family) Yvette, Oliver, Hilary and Isabelle. I'm thinking of you all, my heart is broken." Charlatans frontman, Tim Burgess also weighed in, saying: "He was my real hero when I was a kid. He gave our band exposure. It was amazing because he always brought music into my television - he was the guy. (Wilson) put out records by my favorite bands - Joy Division and New Order - which made me believe I could be in a band and put out records. I feel like I felt when Joe Strummer died. It's like losing a musical dad." Former Stone Roses - and current Primal Scream - bassist, Mani took a more adversarial stance, berating Britain's National Health Service (NHS) for abandoning the late mogul to his fate. When Wilson failed to respond to chemotherapy, the NHS refused to stump up $7,000 per month for an alternate treatment program that might have kept him alive. Speaking to the British media, Mani claimed: "It's a f**king disgrace, especially when you consider how much money he must have given the taxman. He worked his life, paid his taxes, and the NHS treat him like that. It's another indication of what a **thole we're currently living in." The rocker adds, "Everyone in the indie music world owes Tony a debt of gratitude. He put us (The Stone Roses) on his TV show even though we were in direct competition with the Happy Mondays, who were on his label. It's a crying shame that he's gone. Tony showed that anyone can start their own thing up."...

Streets frontman, Mike Skinner is courting controversy in the UK as the result of a new stage gimmick he plans to introduce at an upcoming gig. Skinner has invited fans of the band to devise a device for smoking marijuana with the most innovative creation winning its inventor the chance to come up on stage with the band at their upcoming performance at the Get Loaded in the Park Festival in England. The Dry Your Eyes Mate hitmaker was recently criticized when he asked fans if they had any drugs at a performance a few weeks back, only was subsequently showered with ecstasy pills. Authorities are not amused...

Noel and Liam Gallagher have been invited to attend the imminent Gallagher Clan Global gathering in Ireland, although the Oasis siblings have yet to announce whether they will grace the event with their presence. The get-together will take place in the ancestral home of the clan, in County Donegal, and organizers are hoping to break the world record for the largest family reunion ever...

Pete Doherty is allegedly going to appear on an upcoming episode of gameshow, 'The Weakest Link', in an effort to win back ex-girlfriend, Kate Moss. The Babyshambles singer is determined to show another side from the crackhead that has eaten up recent headlines and shown an ability to dodge prison not seen since the days of Papillion. Doherty told reporters, "I can prove to people there is more to me than just drugs." We will soon see if he has lost his mojo when Babyshambles' latest album hits stores in October. New single, Delivery, is set to be released on September 17th, and those who have heard the album claim that it is the troubled singer's best work to date. At last we can get back to Pete Doherty the musician, as opposed to Pete Doherty the junkie... the celebrity boyfriend... the thief... etc. etc. ...

Jack Osbourne told reporters last week that he would love to be one of the first space tourists only he refuses to pay $400,000 of his hard-earned cash - I mean - cash - I mean - Daddy's cash, for a ticket. He says that he hopes some production company will splash out the cash for the ticket as part of a documentary. To be honest, I wouldn't mind organizing a few benefit gigs to raise the cash for Jack... If he gets a one way ticket... and takes his mother with him...

Kulashaker frontman, Crispian Mills, was in the media last week, claiming that he is finding it impossible to get insurance because of his fame. The singer/guitarist says that he is always recognized when he goes along to get insurance and refused because he is a musician. Mills states: "You're a musician, you might have Elton John in the car. I told them I've never even met him but they told me to pay through the nose or clear off."' A likely story. Unless his dad runs every insurance brokers in the area he lives, I very much doubt that he is recognized. I wouldn't recognize him and I've been to one of his gigs. Just don't tell anyone.

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