Tuesday August 15, 2007

Joe Kavanagh's Music News

Amy Winehouse Travels Further Down The Spiral

Sinead O'Connor has been sharing her opinion once again, this time regarding the slightly eschewed version of Christianity practiced by George W Bush. Talking to the Irish media, the one time female priest and renowned chatterbox claimed: 'There's a lot that's beautiful about religion. It's just you get some nutters that misinterpret it. 'Islam... you've got a very small bunch of fruitcakes... Same in the U.S... you've got people like Bush bringing Christianity into disrepute.' From tearing up pictures of the Pope to defending religion, whatever next for Miss O'Connor...

Things continue to degenerate in the career of wild child, Amy Winehouse, with news that the singer suffered a suspected drugs overdose last week, as her personal life continues to unravel under the glare of the public spotlight. After missing a series of high-profile gigs recently, citing the usual 'exhaustion' excuse, Winehouse was rushed to a London hospital last Wednesday, where she allegedly had her stomach pumped and an adrenaline shot administered. The words 'Janice' and 'Joplin' spring to mind but let's hope it has a different ending...

Contemporary, Lily Allen, has also been feeling under the weather with last week's announcement that she has cancelled the remainder of her European tour due to ill health. The Smile singer has apparently come down with a nasty dose of strep throat coupled with a case of severe sinusitis, forcing her to call off a series of dates in Scandinavia...

The global backlash against hip hop culture gained more momentum over the last few days with New Zealand representing the latest country to turn against the materialism and misogyny often associated with rap. Hot on the heels of Snoop Dogg being refused a working visa for Australia, a growing group of people their antipodean neighbor are lobbying for the cancellation of an upcoming gig in Aukland by Ice Cube. Mayoral candidate, Len Brown, is now shouting long and loud for the Boyz In Da Hood star to be banned from performing in New Zealand saying: 'Ice Cube brings a gangsta message to our community via his gangsta rap. This message promotes gangs, gang violence and drugs. We don't want this in our homes. We don't want it on our streets. Our community is taking a stand on these issues. There is massive energy and resource dedicated to getting on top of gang activity in many parts of South Auckland. For once we have a cohesive partnership of community, government and police working together to confront this challenge and move things forward for our young people. So let's be clear we don't need a gangsta rapper working against the future interests of our young. It's time to freeze out the Ice Cube.' Freeze out the Ice Cube? Can we all say cheesy? ...

Although many former Spice Girls fans are eagerly awaiting the return of their idols don't count Kate Nash among them. The up-and-coming singer sounded off in the media last week saying: 'I'm not excited about it at all. Why do they have to do it? Do they need to do it? It's obviously just about money. I think it will be embarrassing. They're all older now, so, to kind of still want to be the Spice Girls is just, I don't know... Just grow up.' Sounds about right...

Those Cure fans out there awaiting the band's 14th studio album will have to wait just that little bit longer. The 33-track double album, which was initially scheduled for release in the spring of 2006 will now hit shelves in June of 2008. Singer and main songwriter Robert Smith has admitted that this album has been the most difficult to write to date although 33 songs would lead you to think otherwise...

Faithless songwriter Sister Bliss is suffering no such block although she admits that there is only a certain type of singer that she will write for. The in-demand multi-instrumentalist told the media last week that she would not be interested in collaborating with Kyle claiming: 'Kylie is not somebody I'd write for. I have no interest in people like that. I like people with an opinion who are a bit eccentric, quirky and have an agenda. And Kylie, lovely though I'm sure she is, has nothing to say that I'm interested to hear. I prefer a strong female, someone who can really write lyrics. Kylie doesn't write her own stuff. Everyone does it for her - she's a puppet. I prefer someone I could co-write with.' In fairness she makes a pretty good clotheshorse too...

UK singer Sophie Ellis Bextor has admitted that she has written a full-length novel but says that the work will never see the light of day because she fears that the book is no good. Now, if we could only get her to apply the same logic to her music...

Although Razorlight have been picking up fans throughout the globe over the past 12 months don't count John McClure among them. The Reverend And The Makers singer recently met singer Johnny Borrell and came away less than impressed claiming: 'He's a bell end, he doesn't mean anything he says. On one level I respect his self-confidence, in the way you might begrudgingly respect Hitler for building the autobahns. If it were matched up with a genuine talent and intelligence then fair enough, but he hasn't got either. He's just got a big gob.' Say what you really mean John...

DJ Geoff Barrow is renowned for both his musical ability and his record collection but I wouldn't imagine he has too many titles by red-hot producer, Mark Ronson in his collection. The Portishead songwriter told last week: 'I think it takes amazing talent to turn decent songs into s**t funky supermarket muzak. I also heard he's remixing Dylan... some music industry t*t thinks it needs remixing. You would think he would have the respect to say no to the job, obviously not.'

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