Tuesday August 15, 2007

Dublin Hold On For Win Against Determined Derry

Dublin emerged victorious simply because, during their periods of ascendancy, they were able to put more points on the scoreboard than Derry could during the latter's dominant periods

All Ireland SFC Quarterfinal
Dublin 0-18
Derry 0-15

By Dermot Kavanagh

This very entertaining all-singing, all-dancing quarterfinal clash in a packed Croke Park can be summarised as follows - Derry won the first quarter, Dublin won the second and third quarters while Derry were the dominant team in the final quarter.

Dublin emerged victorious simply because, during their periods of ascendancy, they were able to put more points on the scoreboard than Derry could during the latter's dominant periods, thereby always having something in hand for their own fallow periods.

And how they needed those extra scores in hand when the game entered its final stages. Derry were so dominant and eating into Dublin's lead that one feared for Dublin that a repeat of last year's semi-final collapse was about to be repeated.

Derry began the game looking like a team that actually relished the fact that they were playing Dublin in the latter's own backyard, where their own supporters were outnumbered by almost five to one.

Looking in no way intimidated by their surroundings Derry took the game to Dublin and, in creating a lead of 0-5 to 0-2 after 15 minutes, they exposed cracks in the Dublin defence that had not been noticed before.

One casualty of Derry's attacking threat was Dublin full-back, Ross McConnell who was being constantly terrorised by Derry's main forward Paddy Bradley.

Before Derry could inflict further damage on Dublin, midfielder Ciaran Whelan began to dominate both the area battle and the loose play in the midfield area to such an extent that some holes began to appear in the Derry defence.

During Whelan's dominance Dublin held Derry scoreless, but more importantly scored five points without reply, to go two points in front.

The play at this stage was non-stop with both sides embracing the occasion with very sporting and aggressive approaches.

Dublin's resurgence saw them go 0-10 to 0-8 in front with both the players and the 80,213 fans also availing of the break to catch their breath.

Within minutes of the restart Dublin increased their lead to four points following clever scores by the Brogan brothers.

Just when it appeared that Dublin might pull away for an easy win, Derry showed their mettle and ability by launching several menacing attacks.

On two occasions Dublin were relieved to see Stephen Cluxton bring off brilliant saves from Derry sub, Eoin Bradley in the 46 and 48 minute.

While Cluxton deserves credit for keeping his goal secure on both occasions one suspects that had the chances fall to Paddy Bradley the game might have produced a different winner.

Dublin, then sensing that Derry needed to be buried before they could create further problems, swept into a seven-point lead through points by Sherlock (2), Brogan and Vaughan.

With the game now entering its final 12 minutes Dublin looked home and free.

However, to the delight of Derry followers and most neutrals, and to the horror of Dublin followers, Derry refused to accept defeat.

Despite missing two scoreable frees they added four unanswered points to cut the lead to a mere three points.

Derry were dominant all over the field as Dublin retreated in the face of Derry's non-stop attacks.

With less than two minutes remaining Derry looked certain to score the levelling goal but Barry Cahill just about managed to get a hand block on Paddy Bradley as the Derry man was about to pick his spot.

With that hand block went Derry's last chance as Dublin somehow composed themselves afterwards to concede no further chances to square the game.

All in all the Dublin win was just about deserved.

At their best they were excellent, but once again they allowed what looked like a commanding lead to be whittled away thereby forcing themselves to defend a position that arose through their own inability to close out the game.

Derry can take a lot of satisfaction from their efforts, particularly their bright start and their final quarter rally.

However they will be the first to admit that no team can afford to spurn three clear goal chances and win.

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