Tuesday February 7, 2007

Mysterious Predictions
By Astrologer Caitlin

Jan 20th - Feb 18th

With the majority of the heavy hitting planets in your career zone, this will be a dramatic time at work, with lots of changes to take place. With Mercury in retrograde, all these changes might not stick around too long. Can you handle the temptation of the hot new coworker? It should be interesting to say the least. Try not to bring the work drama home this week; no one really wants to hear it. Wednesday should bring some sparks for the better at work.

Feb 19th- Mar 20th

With Jupiter in your broaden your horizons zone, luck can come from everywhere. You have to make things happen this week; this planet combination doesn't come around too often. Get out there to the bingo hall, or buy a lotto ticket, you have to be in it to win it. When you have too many dating options to play you tend to get overwhelmed. Let them all be on hold while you figure things out; just don't let your good luck change for the worse.

Mar 21st - Apr 19th

Your power struggles and mental struggles that you enjoy so much are starting to scare people off. If you got hooked up in a real estate venture with a friend or family member, you might be kicking yourself. Mercury is in your joint resources zone, so don't panic, it will all work out by the end of the week and you'll be happy that you stuck it out. With Mars in your relationship zone right now, it might be a great time to start thinking about walking down the aisle, or popping a question that you have been meaning to ask about your future as a couple. This week is pretty magical.

Apr 20th - May 20th

Last weeks full moon seemed to have worked out positively for you. You seem to have so many options right now at your feet. Don't let suspicion get the better of you. Great things come to good people and it's your turn right now, so you might as well, go with it. On the relationship front your options are endless, you have no trouble attracting others. Sort out the good and bad seeds, think about which ones you would be comfortable to bring home to introduce to friends and family and if they aren't worth it, keep looking. Virgo will be very insightful to you this week.

May 21st - Jun 22nd

With the moon in Gemini midweek, you get a clearer idea of who is a friend and who is masquerading as a friend. With all the backstabbing going on right now, you want to stay clear of the gossip and step back a bit. This is not a good time to confide in someone you are unsure about. With Mercury out of phase right now, you should be careful of everyone. It isn't all that bad though if you don't dance in someone else's shoes. Stay to yourself this week or with a Sag, they always lighten the mood.

Jun 22nd-Jul 22nd

All the major players in the zodiac have lined up in your fellow water sign of Scorpio. That is your house of socializing, fun and games. Mercury retrograde is in your relationship zone, so all the fun and games will be met with either fights or a real good time. It really depends on how Mercury is feeling and what day you chose this week to enjoy yourself. If your single, this is a nutty time, numbers will magically appear in your blackberry this week, and you will be getting some calls and you don't even know who from. (It must have been a really good night out!) Scorpio's will be your friends and foes this week, so watch out!

Jul 23rd - Aug 22nd

Hello Leo, you cosmic conundrum! You are the proudest and egocentric sign in the zodiac, so mixing them together causes some heat! If people are battling around you, don't even think about putting your two cents in. They are better spent somewhere else. They will pounce on you, if you do. If you have a date that you but heads with this week, its almost love and hatred at first sight. Just what you love. If you are in a relationship, give in a bit this week, compromise, I know you can. It will definitely pay off for you in the future.

Aug 23rd - Sep 22nd

Your endless energy is awesome, especially when you are directing it towards good things and good people. Enriching your life should be your goal, stop focusing on things that will only burn you out. Like touring in a rock band. According to the cosmic signs, this is a great time for you to get out there and meet new people, even someone special. It won't be love at first sight, but they will grow on you. Get out there and see the world Virgo's Monday will be a good day for you to use up some of your energy.

Sep 23 - Oct 23rd

Think about leaving your credit cards home this week. Your shopping addiction has spiraled out of control. Do you really need a fish that hangs on the wall and sings? Someone that you think is a good match for you, isn't as good as you think. Listen to your gut, not your eyes. Just because they are good looking doesn't mean they are good people. If you are in a relationship, your partner might go nuts about all the unnecessary money you have been spending, so take a chill. Saturday would be a good day to do some outdoor exercise instead of walking around the mall.

Oct 24th - Nov 21st

Slow down Scorpio. It is a very exciting time for you right now, with all the cosmic activity in your sign. You don't have to do everything at once, take time with things and pace them out. It is pretty much all or nothing right now when you are out shopping for a mate. It is either great matches or bottom of the keg foam. Don't invest too much time on the foam, it will only last a few minutes until the bubbles all fade away. You have a remarkable feature of not showing emotions, but someone taps into them this week, show them you do have a soft side.

Nov 22nd - Dec 21st

Things have been going great for you lately Sag. With all this bustling excitement, it is hard to pay attention to everyone and thing. Just try and remember all the people you have ignored and put them back on the pedestals that you had them on. Don't go backwards though. A movie or dinner date is better with a friend then to use an ex, just to have someone to go with. If you are in a relationship, you don't have to be joined at the hip. You can still go out until last call, with a likeminded friend on Friday.

Dec 22nd - Jan 19th

This might be a crazy week for you, Capricorn. If things have been on the tame side, this week will surely turn things around. Your crew will be up for all sorts of adventures this week. You can actually have fun with a group of friends, and it is nice to enjoy them instead of just a member of the opposite sex all the time. Get out there and dance! A Scorpio will be a great partner in crime for all your late night adventures this week. Even Monday will be a blast.

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