Tuesday January 31, 2007

Mysterious Predictions
By Astrologer Caitlin

Jan 20th - Feb 18th

Your sign says goodbye to Venus and Mercury this week. Having a Full Moon shining in your relationship zone, you start realizing how crazy life can be when other people start messing things up for you. One of your buddies totally blows you off for dinner or lunch and you decide that things are off for good (or at least for a long time). Here you are setting them up with your friends and they can't even do lunch for your birthday. For you taken water bearers, something that has been simmering in the background boils over this week and the two of you exchange words that can make you feel someone disorientated. Avoid quarreling with a Leo this week.

Feb 19th- Mar 20th

Friday brings a Full Moon in your health and well being zone, along with words master Mercury sliding into your sign, turning your mind to thinking of magic and mystery. The mystery of those few extra pounds you put on over the holidays can be cut easily by slowing down on the cocktails. Venus works her love making magic in your sign for the next few weeks. You want them, you got them. It really is that simple, Fish. Choose wisely and make sure that they know, that there are plenty of fish in the sea. You are in the mood to be romanced this week, you partnered Pisces. Demand the attention you seek, don't deal with being in the back seat.

Mar 21st - Apr 19th

Networking should be a top priority for you this week. Get your career where it should be and stop wasting time. Stay on your toes when it comes to people trying to step over you and take your connections. Keep your ideas on the DL so as to not let people get start stepping on you to get ahead. For you single Aries, you'll swear off dating this weekend. No one is really good enough for you, so go out with the girls or the guys this weekend and blow off some steam. Hang with them till something better comes along. If you can't seem to get what you want from your partner these days, it must be time to change the way you are asking, or nagging. Maybe you don't really want it anyway.

Apr 20th - May 20th

Venus, your ruler goes into Pieces early this week. That is good for you, you will gain a sense of tranquility and that bad mood will finally wash away. Your eye is focused on a friend right now, and if they pretend not to exist, they totally do. Maybe they are being the stronger one, because they know how horribly wrong it could go. You should share your dreams and what you would really want out of life with your partner this week. Let them help you out with your goals, they can really help you achieve them. Stop trying to do everything on your own, that is why you have a partner. Stay in bed a few extra hours on Sunday and think about where you want to be this time next year.

May 21st - Jun 22nd

You might have to mind your p's and q's this week. It is a good time to watch what you say, as to not ruffle any feathers. If you are having trouble approaching a subject, then don't approach it right now, wait until it cools down. If you have been seeing that person, that your not to fond of, this weekend will make you put an end to it. There is no use seeing someone you aren't interested in, right? If you are partnered, the Full Moon will start to mess around with your love life. All those things you have been wondering about, like if you two are on the same page, will be answered in the next week or so. Don't get worried, everything happens for a reason.

Jun 22nd-Jul 22nd

With Venus in Pisces this week and the Moon in your sign, you feel like you are on top of the world. Stay there as long as you can, until that huge credit card bill shows up unexpectedly. Try to stop ordering things online when you are tipsy. You'll save yourself tons. That Full Moon in your cash flow zone is here and wants to be heard. Right now you are in the mood for a deeper connection with someone right now. A Pisces just might do the trick. They understand you, they also understand your need for controlling the relationship and they don't care. Money is a culprit when it comes to harmony in your relationship right now. Having the Full Moon impacting that part of your chart this week it might be smart to avoid talking about it this week.

Jul 23rd - Aug 22nd

You might feel like nothing is working out the way you would prefer but, it's only once a year that the Full Moon shows it's face in your sign. Things might not seem as good as they have been, but everyone has those weeks. Maybe you are too fixated on someone or something. Loosen up Leo's. Now is a good time to stay single. You need to be really sure before making a commitment, you really don't need anymore drama than you have already. Avoid your partner as long as you can this weekend, because you might face something that you have been pushing to the side. Your Full Moon can make you on edge, so that only leads to bad things.

Aug 23rd - Sep 22nd

The Moon goes into your sensible sign on Sunday. It helps to remind you and everyone else that sticking with the daily routines is really the only way to go. The nugget of good advice after a long week of dealing with drama after drama. Venus and Mercury combine in your relationship zone. Someone is about to introduce you very soon to someone superb. For you partnered Virgo's working on the present is necessary. The issues that the two of you have should be brought to the table now, before it becomes an issue of the past that comes out much later. Why add more fuel to the fire in the future? Deal with the problems at hand now.

Sep 23 - Oct 23rd

This week's Full Moon shines down on your friendship zone. It's weeding out time, when it comes to your friends and the people you spend so much time with. You can really see who is a true friend and who is just an acquaintance. If someone has been bugging you, you'll find a great reason to say adios for good. For you single Libra's, if you want to talk to that cutie you met or ask them on a date, just get to it. Stop beating around the bush, it's time to face the fact that there is something there. You already know what the answer it going to be, so stop stressing and ask. For you taken Libra's a long held dream or wish you have had for eons could disappear this weekend.

Oct 24th - Nov 21st

Friday's Full Moon moves into your career zone. If you don't get along with a coworker or can't stand your boss, let them know how you feel, before you let it build up and loose it before you quit or resign. At least you should get it out of your system before you let it build up, and flip the lid. Venus, the little black book of the zodiac comes prancing into your fellow water sign of Pisces this week. She bring her magic into your romance zone for the next few weeks. Make sure you are out and about, flirting and making small talk with everyone you come across. If you are taken, leave the drama at the office. Don't bring it home with you. Your partner has their own things to take care of.

Nov 22nd - Dec 21st

Someone or something that you have felt strongly about lets you down badly this weekend. The Full Moon lets you see what they really are like. You really don't like what you see underneath it all. For those involved in an annoying long distance relationship, its time to put it to an end this weekend, when you realize it isn't doing you any good anyways. You need someone a bit more in reach, with your spontaneous personality. If you and your partner aren't on the same page for different things it will come up a lot this weekend, in arguments. Let those little things go, that erk you about your partner, before things get blown out of proportion.

Dec 22nd - Jan 19th

The planets Mercury and Venus join forces in your friendship zone this weekend. Starting a new business with someone you trust may be something you have been thinking about, but you should think of paying off your debts before you get more. Taking a little break from the dating scene might benefit you. Take a step back and figure out who you are and what you want out of life. Blow everything off on Wednesday and replenish yourself.

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