Tuesday January 10, 2007

Mysterious Predictions
By Astrologer Caitlin

Dec 22nd - Jan 19th

Everyone is pulling you one way or another. Telling you to do this or do that. Tell them to take a chill pill, that you will get to it when the time is right. They don't own you. You certainly don't like being told what to do either, especially during your month to shine. What you do have to work on, is your next career move. Stop the flirting with a coworker, it really won't go anywhere and will just lead to trouble. Someone higher than you might have their eye on them already, and will only cause you more drama. For you coupled Cap's, stop playing computer solitare at night and start focusing on your partner a bit more. Virgo can help you over come your solitare experiences.

Jan 20th - Feb 18th

Now is the time to start looking how to advance your career. Right now, things are not so good, so you need to figure out, what would be the best way to advance up the ladder. Look into going back to school for higher education. This could lead to an intense connection that would put a lot more coins in your pocket. You might have already met someone that can pick your brain and you like it. They are only new on the scene, so you are unsure just yet. It could be promising, if they are entertaining as well. Traveling with a partner is not your cup of tea, since you love your space. But right now, things are aligned for the two of you to take a trip and spend some time together.

Feb 19th- Mar 20th

Thinking or going in to a new business is a wise move for you, Pisces. It will defiantly pay off for you, since you have success in your cards. Make sure the legalities are worked out first though. That is the last thing you need. Sharing things with a roommate is never easy, just keep a chart of who needs to buy the toilet paper, toothpaste etc. Then things won't get so bad, if and when they get bad. For the taken Pisces, try and keep some things to yourself. They don't need to know everything about you, like where you keep your spare key and your stashed money. Privacy can be important.

Mar 21st - Apr 19th

This week you will have to make a last effort to bring some compromise to situations that you don't want to compromise over. It is so much easier than holding a grudge and ruining a good thing, for something so silly. By making nice with everyone, that person that you have been eyeing up may start to notice you. Sunday could bring a chance of a new romance for you single Aries out there. Get out there and go watch those football games you aren't so interested in. You have to be out mingling in order to catch someones eye, sitting in bed watching football will not bring anything unless you order pizza and have a delivery cutie. For the partnered Aries, make up with your partner, stop the fighting. It doesn't get you anywhere in the long run.

Apr 20th - May 20th

Get out there and strut your stuff Taurus. This week, you feel revived. With a new year upon us, this is the time for you to hit the tanning salon, get your hair done and get out and party. Those winter blues are going to be over very shortly. It's hard for you to deal with, that your friends have it more together than you do. Let them remold you, buy what the buy and try and look at things the way they do. For you taken Taurus men and women, make a date night with your partner and get glamorous. Dress up, make yourself feel better. There might be an altercation with an Aquarius this week, but don't let it ruin a good friendship.

May 21st - Jun 22nd

You have quite a bit of potential in your hands right now. Your mojo is working for you in full effect. If you don't feel it, you should see a doctor. This weekend is a perfect one for you to get out there and snag a partner. Libra is checking you out lately, so just give in and go on the date. Tell them that you read it in your horoscope. For the couples out there, starting over with your partner is some good advice. You can right your wrongs and really enjoy each others companionship. Starting fresh makes things go easier in the future. Get out your feelings and everything you have been holding back. It will make the two of you reconnect on a different level.

Jun 22nd-Jul 22nd

Family is your center of gravity Cancer. Right now they might be nagging you and driving you nuts, but it will pass. Sunday will give you a new way of dealing with all those annoying requests that family puts on you. You will find a better way to deal, so that you can actually enjoy your time with them again. Guys and girls, you have the gift to gab this week. Use it for powerful flirting. Saying something sassy will reap its rewards this week. You'll be glad you watched all those love stories. For you taken Cancers, you need to improve your communication with your partner. Take time this weekend, to really have discussions, not just talking about what is for dinner.

Jul 23rd - Aug 22nd

Wow, you are certainly energetic this week, Leo. Put down the Red Bull, before you have a heart attack. You will be the last one at the gym, and on the dance floor this week, just don't be too aggressive with all that built up energy, you could scare people off. Your partner might not be as super charged as You will be the last one at the gym, and on the dance floor this week, just don't be too aggressive with all that built up energy, you could scare people off. Your partner might not be as super charged as you are this week, so don't get mad at them for not keeping up. Get those at home projects done you have been waiting to do, with all that energy, just don't go complaining to them that you need help.

Aug 23rd - Sep 22nd

Keeping your money on a budget will definitely improve your mood and spirit, Virgo. Having all those bills hanging around your head, are not helping to decrease your holiday stress. Get those bills paid, and paid on time so you can finally relax. If the dating scene isn't exactly up to par, start looking elsewhere. Use the internet to help you, at least you might find someone to buy you dinner so you can keep your money in your own pocket. For the partnered Virgo's, if your partner has a larger income than you do, its time to discuss things. You should not have to pay fifty fifty on everything. Pisces might offer some good advice to you on that front this week.

Sep 23 - Oct 23rd

Start moving forward. Leave the past behind you, Libra. They aren't coming back and really, they won't bring you any joy if they do come back. Get out that sick of being single vibe so people know you are ready to move on, and are done sulking. There is bound to be someone out there that will pick up on the vibe, lets just hope they are worthwhile, unlike the ex. For you couples out there, your partner is not about to change as much as you would prefer. You have to either accept them as who they are, or move on to find someone that you don't have to change. You have a wild weekend ahead of you.

Oct 24th - Nov 21st

Move quickly this week, Scorpio. Your memory which is always strong, will be catching the slow boat shortly. You will be forgetting things like, where you left your keys and cell phone. So get those papers signed, sealed and delivered this week, before you forget about them. An ex might pop by or make a call to you this week, embrace it. Don't hang up, tell them how great you have been doing, and rub their nose in it. If you have a partner, now is the time to really talk to them, about the things that have been on your mind. The past few weeks, have been so hectic with the holidays, it is now time to sit down and get those things off your mind.

Nov 22nd - Dec 21st

Are your friends driving you nuts lately? Well, maybe it is time to meet some new ones and trade the old ones in. It never hurts to meet new people, and it seems like those new people will make you happier than the old. Not a bad thing, at all. If one of your friends, have been pusing you to meet one of their friends, now is a good time to go through with it. It might be worth all the hassle and embarrassment. Who would know? And no one would really care. For the taken Sag's, friendship in your partnership is key. If you feel like it has weakened in recent months, now is the time to rework it. If your not their best friend, then things can get ugly.

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