Tuesday December 6, 2006

Mysterious Predictions
By Astrologer Caitlin

Nov 22nd - Dec 21st

Mercury the planet of communications is whispering in your ear exactly what you have wanted to hear. Can you trust Mercury? The rest of the planets are all in your zone right now, birthday boy or girl. When they are all there, Mars, Venus, Jupiter and the Sun you can feel a bit overloaded and exhausted. This week, Saturn has you thinking how you can fit a partner into your life, instead of you trying to fit into someone else's life. A much better way of thinking for you, Sag. Tuesday's Full moon will bring that closure you have been looking for with it. You might have to wave the white flag, but we all do once in awhile. Friday will be a fun time, if you are looking for one.

Dec 22nd - Jan 19th

Pay attention Capricorn. Don't fall for the sweet talker you are better than that, Cap. Even if they say everything that you want to hear, its all nonsense, so keep your guard up. The more they flatter the more they are going to go after it themselves. Aren't you tired of feeling sick and tired? Stay away from the people that drain your energy and start eating better. Get the eight hours sleep you need this week too, it will help you with feeling refreshed. Over the next few weeks, you might start to feel like you are adrift. Don't worry, Saturn is just moving around your sign and taking a siesta. Start working on that project you have been putting off for so long!

Jan 20th - Feb 18th

Life is good for you Aquarius. All the major players are lined up the right way for good things to happen. The Full Moon might throw you off a bit, but that is nothing new. Start looking at your love life with your brain, if they don't seem like they are going to change, it means they won't. Don't be sitting around waiting for the paint to dry. You aren't getting any younger. That issue, that you have been sweeping under the rug for so long, comes creeping out again this week. Instead of sweeping it back under, focus on it and deal with it, so you don't have to deal with it anymore. Saturday will bring some excitement on many levels, Keep your head screwed on.

Feb 19th- Mar 20th

Some drama on the home front this week, doesn't make you too happy. A Full Moon comes in to target your home and family zone. It affects everything, your roommates, your friends etc. Get some tougher skin or you are not going to survive in the dating world, Pieces. It's a battlefield out there, don't get hurt. Get that couch potato off your couch. Why do they think they can stay on your couch all the time, tell them to get up, so you can use your own couch. Thursday is a good day to go dancing, and let your hairdown.

Mar 21st - Apr 19th

Wow, this might be a week of sibling rivalry. Look out brothers and sisters, Tuesday's Full Moon is in your sibing zone. Once you clear the air, it will all be back to normal again. It is the thrill of the chase for you this week, with Mars in your fellow fire sign this week, it's a planetary conundrum. Saturn the planet of focus goes out of phase in your romantic zone. Saturday will be a rock and roll day, look for your Sagetarian friends to spend time with. If you are in a relationship, you have to put more effort into the romance this week, get dressed up and go on a date. Don't lose out on something that is working, for a simple miscommunication.

Apr 20th - May 20th

The Full Moon will be in your self-esteem and cash flow zone this week. Start saving your pennies, your cash will be limited with the holidays coming. Try and switch your credit card to a card with a lower interest rate, so that you can save some extra pennies. Your dating life has been a roller coaster lately, settle petal. Take a break and stop looking at everyone as a potential canidate. Once you ease up, love finds you. Keep your Aquarian friends at arms length, you two might go to battle this week. Stop explaining yourself over and over to your partner, sometimes not everyone has to understand why you do things.

May 21st - Jun 22nd

Thank goodness Gemini. You are going to have an epiphany this weekend. The Full Moon in your sign, wakes you up and makes you smell the coffee. Don't be upset, it is time to call it quits and let it go. It only upsets you more if you keep it around. Stop dating all those losers, you can and will have to change the type of person that you are looking for. Once you change your attitude you can start to move forward. If you do have a partner, energizing Mars will move into your relationship front which can boost your libido and put the two of you back in love again.

Jun 22nd-Jul 22nd

You thought that you would never see them again, didn't you Cancer? This week's Full Moon, opens Pandora's Box and those skeletons start to make their way back to you. Use the situation to make up for the past and tell them you are moving forward again. Stop comparing the new mate to the old one. Its not fair, everyone is different and the dynamics of the relationship changes with every new person. Remember why your old partner and you broke up, if it was so good, you would still be together. Don't let your partner hear something first without telling them, open up this week, but don't be too open.

Jul 23rd - Aug 22nd

You have had enough Leo. You can't take much more and it's about to end, t needs you to initiate the ending. You have had too many sleepless nights, and days have to stop being so worried filled. Tuesday brings the Full Moon that gives you the answer and the closure you have been looking for. Sagittarius is a good match for you, you are both naturally in sync. Saturn the planet of focus and discipline goes out of phase in your sign this week from now until mid-April. You cool off considerably over the next few weeks, let your partner do some work. Why is it always up to you? Stay in bed Wednesday and get yourself rocking and rolling this week.

Aug 23rd - Sep 22nd

This week's Full Moon impacts your ambitions and career. This week, you are the hardest worker in the zodiac. You might as well, admit to yourself that you are not going to get that dream job, so suck it up and perform better at the job your currently doing. The universe has bigger plans for you Virgo's, so don't give up. Right now is just not the time. Speak your mind, or you will end up in a silly relationship with someone that you don't want to be in a relationship with, so don't be so nice. Don't leave all the Christmas shopping until the last day, start it now, to take the pressure off yourself, when the parties arrive.

Sep 23 - Oct 23rd

Keep taking those classes and courses. The more education the better, you love having the upper hand, smartie pants. Keep on top of all the related technology that you can learn to succeed. Get out of town of this weekend, spend some time with old friends, they bring you a necessary balance. Flirt, sing, dance and come home refreshed. Stop harping on something, and start realizing that its just not going to happen anytime soon. Not everything has to happen right away, Rome was not built in a day. Aquarius will and has always been a great friend and sholder to lean on.

Oct 24th - Nov 21st

Your ego is at an all time high Scorpio. Don't be so bold, not everyone cares about an egotistical person. On the other hand, the high self esteem that you have, can benefit you this week. Go out and use it, you can get your way. If a friend has been continuously letting you down, stop doing things for them, move on, and they will too. Stick to buying a few quality items, instead of buying everything. Your bank account will thank you. If you and your partner have a joint account, it might be time to do separate ones again, you don't need to be criticized for buying things that you of course deserve. You're a private type and don't like being interrogated about your withdrawals.

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