Tuesday December 6, 2006

The Irish Examiner Crossword


1. Cocoon insect
5. Former Korean president
9. Genetic letters
12. Dunlin bird
13. Male noble
14. Edible root
15. Sayings (suf.)
16. Vex
18. Having (suf.)
20. Shout
21. Formula
23. Fish with bait on the surface
24. Buddhist monk in nirvana
25. Held a session
26. Offense
29. Trouble
30. Mortar mixer
31. Shoshonean
32. River into the North Sea
33. Cistern
34. Oriental
36. Month abbr.
37. Jot
38. Fetish
40. Fundamental
41. Incense ingredient
43. Rubbish: Brit.
46. Anecdotes
47. Work (Sp.)
48. United States Dept. of Agriculture (abbr.)
49. Ten decibels
50. Corner
51. Wampum


1. Greek letter
2. Caribbean lizard
3. Card game
4. Abbey (Sp.)
5. Queen (Fr.)
6. Stag
7. Slip
8. Educe
9. Old Eng. gold piece
10. National (abbr.)
11. Soul or spirit (Fr.)
17. Flap
19. Choose
21. Electric catfish
22. Great lake
23. Flat fish
25. Pouch
26. Bag
27. Italic (abbr.)
28. Haw. goose
30. Mortar beater
33. Seamark
34. S. A. sloths
35. Rile (2 words)
36. Coniferous tree
37. Muslim divorce
38. Without (Ger.)
39. Semitic deity
40. Pressure (pref.)
41. Public vehicle
42. Or best offer (abbr.)
44. Food and Drug Admin. (abbr.)
45. Cigarette: Brit. slang
Click here for the solution to this week's crossword

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