Tuesday November 8, 2006

Joe Kavanagh's Music News

By Joe Kavanagh

Noel Gallagher: Happiest In The Eye Of The Storm

Most music award shows have a tendency to degenerate into fake platitude-fests, where people who ordinarily have no time for each other stand up and heap phony praise on their contemporaries. Not so the Q Music Awards. Perhaps it's the free booze or the fact that there are no television cameras present but this is one award show long famed for its bitchiness and almost always serves up controversy in healthy doses. Last week's ceremony was no different, which is hardly surprising I suppose, given the amount of egos gathered under one roof at London's plush Grovesnor Hotel. First up for the stocks was British boyband Take That, who ostensibly showed up to collect the Idol Award, but ended up getting pilloried by many of the other acts in attendance. Pick of the insults directed their way was undoubtedly the barb fired off by Arctic Monkeys lead singer Alex Turner, who was only ten-years-old when Take That initially broke up in 1996. Accepting an award for Best Album, for his band's Whatever People Say I Am That's What I'm Not, Turner said: 'I'm not old enough to know a lot (about) them, but even I know that Take That were b***ocks.' According to Noel Gallagher, whose band Oasis picked up the Best Band in the World prize, Take That got off lightly due to the absence of his younger brother Liam. Gallagher claimed: 'One of Take That just said to me outside, 'Is 'Your Kid' (brother Liam) here?' and I went 'You'd have known about it if he was mate. If he saw A-ha going up on stage and then you, you can't imagine the mindless abuse.'' Asked about Liam's whereabouts Noel went on to say: 'He's gone to the zoo. Seriously, the monkeys are bringing their kids to go and have a look at him.' Kasabian guitarist, Serge Pizzaro, also got in on the act by fixing his sight on the Kooks, saying that the Brighton act makes 'music for girls.' Having already slagged off My Chemical Romance, Keane and virtually the entire Emo genre, Kasabian are going to have a hard time finding support acts if they continue to fall out with bands at the rate they have been recently. Even Bono was on the receiving end. When giving his acceptance speech for the Band of the Bands award, which was presented to U2, the singer was rudely interrupted by jazz singer, Amy Winehouse, who was clearly heard to shout: 'Shut up! I don't give a f**k.' You wouldn't find such behavior at the Grammys, although some would say that more is the pity....

Remaining briefly on the subject of U2, a USA Today article last week revealed that U2 songs are now being used in the services of almost 150 churches in America, though pastors are quick to point out that they are certainly not worshipping Bono and company...

UK band, You Say Party! We Say Die! were forced to cancel their entire American tour last week after a mix-up in their visas meant that they were refused entry to the US. There is no word on whether the tour will now go ahead...

It appears that the so-called New Rave movement has already come apart at the seams before it ever took off with it's leading exponent now claiming that the New Rave label is just a lot of old rubbish. Speaking to, Klaxons singer, Jamie Reynolds said: 'It's a joke that's got out of hand, I said it at the start of the year and people just won't stop with it now, it's got nothing to do with us.' Obviously no one has told the band how difficult it is to get the genie back into the bottle. The Klaxons album, Myths Of The Near Future hits shelves on January 29...

After an uneasy truce that has lasted for the past couple of years, it now seems that the feud between Oasis and Robbie Williams is about to kick into high gear again after a track slating the two Gallagher brothers made it onto Robbie's latest album: Rudebox. Williams claims that he never intended for the song, titled D***head, to make it onto his album and says that he had no idea that record execs had included it until the album was released. In an effort at damage control, he then fired off a long letter of apology to the Gallaghers although it appears that it is a case of a day late and a dollar short. Speaking about the track last week Noel Gallagher said: 'I haven't heard the album - I doubt I will - apparently that's the best track on it. He sent this note to our office claiming he didn't know it was on the album. He can f**k right off. I don't give a f**k what he thinks and I don't give a f**k about him.' Look for this to get ugly fast...

Although known as the wild man of rock, Keith Moon proved no match for the wild man of movies, Steve McQueen, according to a story in a newly published book by the late actor's wife. Recalling a time when Moon moved into a house next door to the couple in Malibu, Barbara McQueen claims that her husband had trouble sleeping because a light in Moon's bathroom was so bright that it lit up the couple's own bedroom. Although he complained to Moon several times, the Who drummer refused to do anything about it. McQueen eventually became so infuriated over his inability to get a good night's sleep that he went out with his shotgun and fired a couple of rounds into the offending bulb. They never had another problem with Moon again...

UK band, You Say Party! We Say Die! were forced to cancel their entire American tour last week after a mix-up in their visas meant that they were refused entry to the US. There is no word on whether the tour will now go ahead... One band that might regret that they were granted visas to perform in the US may be another UK act: The Horrors. Playing in Manhattan's Stereo nightclub last week, the band's show was interrupted when an audience member jumped up on stage and began pummeling lead singer, Faris Badwan. The culprit was eventually restrained and ejected from the club, allowing the shaken band to continue their set.

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