Tuesday October 18, 2006

Citizen's Information Bill Introduced

Minister for Social Affairs, Seamus Brennan and Chris Glennon Chairman of the Citizen Information Board at a press conference in Government buildings launching the Citizen's Information Bill 2006 (Photocall)

Aims To Provide "Seamless And Customer Friendly" National Information Service

The Minister for Social Affairs, Séamus Brennan T.D., published and officially launched the Citizen's Information Bill 2006 on Friday which is intended to facilitate the delivery of a major new seamless and customer friendly national information and rights awareness service under one easily accessible and highly visible brand - "Citizens Information".

Under the provisions of the new Bill the name of Comhairle, which was established in 2000 with responsibility for providing independent information and advice services on social services to the public, will be changed to the Citizens Information Board (An Bord um Fhaisnéis do Shaoránaigh).

Minister Brennan also announced the appointment of Mr. Chris Glennon, a former Political Correspondent for the Irish Independent, as the new Chairman of Comhairle.

The Minister also launched the Citizens Information Strategic Plan 2006-2009 which is designed to meet the needs of a dramatically changing and evolving 21st century Irish society.

Unveiling details of the Citizens Information Bill, Minister Brennan announced that one of its primary purposes is legislation for the introduction of a new personal advocacy service for people with disabilities. The new service represents a huge step forward for this most vulnerable group within society and will have the result of significantly improving the position of people with disabilities who up to now may have encountered difficulties in applying for, or obtaining, a social service.

Minister Brennan said: "The new Citizens Information Bill, combined with the implementation plan set out in the Strategic Plan, represents a major overhaul and modernisation of the provision of information on all social services and will deliver an integrated and seamless supply of high quality and independent information to the entire population, and in particular, those in society who are most vulnerable and in need of supports. The provision of independent, clear and accessible information has a central role in helping to break down barriers, eases anxieties, opens up opportunities and very often clears the way for citizens, particularly those who are most vulnerable in society, to improve their situations and build better lives."

"When you consider that over 970,000 payments are made by my Department each week that in total benefit more than 1.5 million men, women and children, it is understandable why queries on welfare rights and entitlements should make up more than one third of overall information and advice queries. However, there are many other social issues, such as employment, health services, housing, education, family concerns and consumer rights, which people need access to information on. We now have the blueprint for the start of a new and exciting era in the provision of an information service that is geared to meet the needs and demands of an expanding and increasingly diverse 21st century Ireland".

The Citizens Information Bill will be introduced into the Dáil next week and the legislation is expected to become law before the end of 2006.

Under the existing Comhairle services three separate information channels operate: The OASIS website which, in 2005, reached nearly 2.5 million people, the Citizens Information Service, providing a face-to-face service at 235 locations, which in 2005 dealt with almost 734,000 queries and the Citizens Information Phone Service which dealt with almost 88,000 queries in 2005.

All three will now be branded under the one easily identifiable title - Citizen Information.

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